Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dream journal

I've always wanted to start a dream journal and since I am now addicted to blogging after one week of our family blog, I figured why not make my dream journal a blog?

I've always had very vivid and lengthy dreams.  They can get really weird too.  There is usually a part of my dream that I can relate back to something that has happened recently, but the rest of the dream is just weird.  Since I get up with Brighton at night still I will sometimes have multiple dreams in one night. I can almost always remember the whole dream whether right away or something throughout the day will trigger my memory.  I don't usually have nightmares but I don't watch scary movies either.  As a matter of fact, I remember my first ever night mare.  I don't remember how old I was, but I remember waking up thinking that was my first nightmare.  My memory of it is a little shaky, but here it is:

We were in the house on Key Maderia.  We (stepsisters and all were all sitting in the family room) a man walked in and he had a white face and red eyes.  If he looked at you, you died.  He looked at my sisters in the room and they died.  Me and Kelly ran to my bedroom.  She got on the bottom bunk and I crawled under the bed.  He looked at kelly and she died then he bent down and the last thing I remember is him looking me in the eye.

When you're 6 or 7 or whatever that's pretty scary.  There's one dream in particular that I'm interested in finding a pattern for.  I have this recurrent dream that started in about my junior year of high school.  For about the first year I had it the dream consisted of Kelly, me and one other person (always a different person) going (swimming or tubing) down a spring at dusk.  In every dream Kelly would get eaten by an aligator dispite our frantic efforts to save her.  There was only one time that she survived and that was when the third person was Terry.  In more recent years I still have the dream, but kelly isn't often in it.  It's still always dusk when I'm going down this spring and it's about 50/50 whether or not I'm alone. 

So for my entries I plan on telling about the dream and then mentioning what patters to real life I can find.  So, join me on my journey if you wish, but it's sure to be filled with some sweet but mostly weird dreams.  I didn't have a dream last night, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow for something interesting to read!

1 comment:

  1. I'm also one of those people who can recall their dream nearly every night. Sometimes I can make some sort of sense and other times, it's a complete cluster of imagination. It's something that's happened since I was a child too. I remember dreams from like 15 years ago. Everyone morning I wake up and tell Neal about last night. He's a non-dreamer, so he thinks it's awesome.

    Nobody else that I've ever talked to about dreams experiences this reality (sometimes it feels like a parallel life). So that's nice to know there's another weirdo out there :-) I wonder what makes some people have such clear, memorable, impressionable dreams and others rarely remember having a dream at all??
